This Summer - Protect Yourself From Mosquito Infestation


Many people look forward to Summers because it encourages them to remove their sweaters, get out of the building, and — depending on where they live, escape the cold temperatures and heavy snowfalls. Summers, on the other hand, have their drawbacks. This warmer season, in particular, will bring heavy rains and warmer temperatures, all of which may lead to a mosquito influx.

As we enter the summer season, mosquito infestations and tick populations are on the increase once more. Although these pests are undoubtedly a big annoyance! They can also spread dangerous diseases like Zika, West Nile, and Lyme disease.

Applying mosquito repellents before going outside is one of the most effective ways to avoid mosquito bites and eventual disease transmission. Despite this, many people do not prioritize protecting themselves from these biting mosquitoes. Many that do, can be unaware that there is a proper way to apply the repellents for it to be safe. 

Follow This Five-step Procedure To Properly Apply Insect Repellents

  1. You must read the product label carefully and follow the given directions. If you're wearing sunscreen, you can apply repellent on top of it.

  2. Shake the product vigorously. Then spray uniformly in a sweeping motion while keeping it 6-8 inches away from exposed skin.

  3. Apply the repellent to the face and ears using your palms. Be careful not to get it in your eyes or nostrils.

  4. The repellent should be applied over clothing that fully covers the feet and ankles.

  5. Look for a product that contains an EPA-registered active ingredient, such as DEET, picaridin, or pyrethroid, and many more.

Mosquito Infestations can also be dangerous to pets. Mosquitoes are most aggressive at dawn and dusk, so limit your pet's time outside at those times. Also, consult your veterinarian for pet-safe repellents. Another great way to minimize mosquito interaction is to eliminate any standing water in your yard to prevent mosquito breeding. Maintain a low grass cut, particularly in areas where your pets congregate. Because access to the grass around your premise can be one of the reasons for the mosquito infestation. It is not a smart thing to let these pests distract from your enjoyment of the summer season. Follow the tips above to keep yourself and your pets safe. For more safety, you can contact local pest control experts to get rid of mosquitoes.

